Oh la LA – Chapter 29

Sunday afternoon  LA Nash’s house

“Thanks so much for being on chef duties.” Ash says as Croyde puts another batch of garlic knots in the outside pizza oven.

“I’m loving it. I’ve made up loads of dough and Nash had made so much sauce already. Which he’s going to teach me to make so I can replace it.” Croyde says.

“And I have put several trays of tiramisu in the fridge, Bastian walked me through making it, and it was pretty easy. It’ll be my new go to offering. The guys will be bringing shredded cheese, toppings and more desserts and sodas. It’ll be good.” Ash says.

“And you’re working on your charity stuff for the year?”  Croyde asks.

“Yeah that’ll be part of it and just  chilling together, with all the crap we’ve had already this year. We need this. I feel bad throwing a swim only party, as we probably need a group thing too but I have responsibilities to the team.” Ash says.

“And we all get that. And it wouldn’t hurt Joshy or Preston to throw a party at one of their places. You have more than done your share of hosting. Hell you even hosted us all at the dorm.” Croyde says.

“It was fun, wasn’t it?” Ash asks.

“It was.” Croyde says.


“Hi, can we get some help unloading?” John asks coming in with a stack of sodas, Wayne and Gary the freshmen following in behind him.

“I can be the muscle.” Croyde grins.

“On my  way, how much did you bring?” Ash asks looking at the packed trunk.

“We went a little crazy.” Wayne says.

“Felt like we needed to make up for everything. So jumped at the chance of going to the bulk store with John.” Gary says.

“Did you not take Eli too?” Ash asks.

“He was busy, visiting his family this morning. He said he’ll bring some floaties from home.” Wayne says.

“Just checking you’re not leaving him out any more. That was me last year and it blew.” Ash says.

“We’re making the effort. It’s tough as we are in a suite with Rich.” Gary says.

“So we can’t invite him over. That would be cruel.” Wayne says.

“We’ve put in to move  but it’s unlikely within Athlete housing.” Gary says.

“Any chance you can influence Rich to not be a dick, to properly apologize and get his ass in gear?” John asks.

“Not a hope. We’re so embarrassed that we fell for it. Like you expect a level of locker room talk and some joshing and even some hazing.” Wayne says.

“But the full on homophobia was unexpected.” Gary says.

“And we’re sorry we got sucked in to his cult for a second.” Wayne says.

“You’re forgiven, as long as you see that how you treated Eli was just as bad.” Ash says.

“We cannot afford divides within the team.” John says.


Soon the team are all lounging around the pool. A few are messing around with the floaties that Eli brought along and others are busy making pizzas with Croyde’s help.

“Do my back?” Caleb asks Ash and throws a bottle of sunscreen at him.

Ash happily obliges and for a second his mind drifts back to the threesome he had with Caleb and West.

“You’ve gained some muscle.” Ash says.

“I’ve been working hard. Colby was great this summer and Spence. You grew up with the best team. My mom would have killed for me to have that sort of team, pretty much exclusive too. I mean no one knew you worked with Spence, even though it should have been obvious. National team fucked up cutting you. You should have done trials.” Caleb says.

“Bastian and I grew another half inch or so over summer. I’m happy competing here, I don’t need the rest. And yeah Spence is a total secret weapon, everyone thinks of him for football or gymnastics but he really is a universal coach and he does work with some of the world’s elite, he just doesn’t advertise it. And yeah I lucked out he and Ocean were on hand to train me outside the pool and Colby was great in the pool.” Ash says.

“Adapting to coaching here has been a lot. I only realized how hard I’d found it when I was in the pool with Colby and it was easy.” Caleb admits.

“Ocean worked with me on how to adapt, and I did have a different coach and style of training in high school.” Ash says.

“See, it wasn’t even on my home coach’s radar that I’d need coaching in how to adapt to new coaches.” Caleb says.

“It was a big thing for Ocean, in gymnastics coaching is a lot more individual, and kind of intimate due to the spotting and everything. And he had to adapt for every training camp, every competition. He usually had his coach there but not always. Hey John, you got a sec?” Ash asks.

“Sure, what are you two plotting?” John asks pulling up a lounger.

“I was saying about how hard it is to adapt to new coaching in college, and Ash said one of his team had worked with him on how to handle it. Which was not on my radar as a thing at all. We should run some sessions on it for the Freshmen.” Caleb says.

“Oh that sounds so good, but how?” John asks.

“I could ask Ocean to come out, he was an Olympic champ so I think it would be fine to ask him to come out to give a motivational talk and we could tack on a workshop on adapting to new coaches. I don’t think it would offend coach.” Ash says.

“I’ll talk to coach. You talk to your contact. Great thinking guys. Anything that can give us an edge and get us competing as a team after the shit show we’ve started with.” John says.

“Exactly, and I’d happily run a session now to get things moving. I mean we could all talk about how we adapted.” Ash says.

“Sure, we’ll do that. And now, let’s get on with the philanthropy stuff, then we can cut loose.” John says.


After the party Ash is back in the dorm taking a long shower, and enjoying himself, thinking about that threesome again. His mind flashes over several of the encounters he had this summer and has a fantastic time.

When he dries off a wave of guilt hits. Not because he did anything wrong, but because he wants more.

“You okay?” Malik asks as Ash makes a coffee.

“Uh, maybe. Do you want some pizza? I put leftovers in the fridge.” Ash says.

“Mmm I totally will.” Malik says.

“Someone say pizza?” Anders asks coming out of his room.

“There are garlic knots too, Croyde is getting so good at these, I’m surprised there were any left. You swimmers usually don’t even leave crumbs.” Malik says.

“There was a lot of food today, we left some at the house too. I guess we don’t  eat as much as last year’s team, or maybe not yet as season starts later, so we’re not on super massive calories yet.” Ash says.

“I’m looking forward to meets starting.” Malik says.

“Yeah all you muscle boys in speedos.” Anders grins.

“Thought you had a man.” Ash says.

“I can still window shop. I am a one man man though for sure.” Anders says.

“I’m not sure I am.” Ash says and blushes.

“Uh oh, what’s going on?” Malik asks.

“I miss putting it about. I know you and Rory explored and it imploded your relationship. But you managed a long time just the two of you before that.” Ash says.

“My biggest regret is having others in our bed. It broke the intimacy between us and left us both super insecure that we were not enough for each other and we just couldn’t articulate it and we pushed and pushed and it was a disaster. I wish I could roll back time because I don’t think I will ever find someone who gets me in every other way than Rory.” Malik says.

“Have you told him that? Is that why you don’t want to date West? Because if you still love him, you can work it out. I mean, he isn’t dating either.” Anders asks.

“You just want everyone happy, now that you and your secret man are happy.” Malik says.

“Sorry to derail you Ash, I am happy with my man. It’s not perfect and we have shit to deal with already but we communicate really well and I know where I stand. Totally opposite to being  with Q, which I wouldn’t change for the world. Having that all-consuming, sexy relationship was amazing.” Anders says.

“And you’re not on the rebound?” Ash asks.

“No, well yes but this isn’t a rebound relationship. But what about you?  Preston not the Disney prince you expected?” Anders asks.

“He’s perfect. It is tough to make the time to see each other.  I am so busy already.  And the sex is great. I’m not bored when we do it. It is great sex. It’s the whole thing. I want to be free to mess around with cuties. I don’t want the  stress and  time suck  of  a relationship. Oh shit.” Ash sighs as  the thoughts he had been suppressing suddenly tumble out.

“Ouch.” Anders says.

“I thought maybe it was the case of as soon as you stopped chasing Preston that you would lose interest.  I’m not saying you’re that fickle, but Preston  on a plate is different to Preston the unreachable.” Malik says.

“I don’t know if it’s that. I hope I’m not that shallow.  I think if we’d got together a year ago we’d still be together. But he wouldn’t have grown the way he has and neither would I. A year ago I had never been kissed. And despite being from a family of mate for life types, I found out I love casual sex and in an ideal world I would have a series of short term things, a few dates, a few fucks and on to the next. And when I’m busy during the season I can focus on me and my training and when I have time, well let’s be honest it isn’t hard for me to find what I need. I love Preston but right now I don’t think I can be the boyfriend he deserves. And I really should be having this convo with him.” Ash says biting his lip.

“You can trust us.” Anders says.

“Yeah, you really can. You should sleep on it. Think about what things would be like without Preston as a friend even because that could happen. And you might just be having a bit of FOMO today.” Malik says.

“You are a great couple but I can’t imagine having your schedule and maintaining a relationship. Especially with him living off campus.” Anders says.

“And next semester with Bastian back, you’ll have even less time.” Malik says.

“That is a big part of it too. I miss Bastian and Cammie like so much and you’re right next semester I will totally be prioritizing time with them over anyone else.” Ash says.

“Right man, wrong time.” Anders says.

“Yeah. I feel like such a dick. I never should have changed things.” Ash says.

“It felt right. If you hadn’t, you’d be chasing a relationship, you wanted to know what it was like to be in one.” Malik says.

“And it turns out, it isn’t for me. At least I’ve only cheated in my mind and not in reality.” Ash says.

“You’re not a cheater.” Anders says.

“No, you’re right. I’m not. My brothers would be so mad at me. And we’ve seen the fallout of mess within the group. Are you and Q going to be okay, as friends? I mean he wasn’t part of the group but he is going to be.” Ash asks.

“I think so. He was a shit to me. But karma came straight for him and I think we’re going to be good now. I like him a lot, he’s so fun and talented and different to anyone else I know.” Anders says.

“I am kind of sad his thing imploded as he and Lester were so fun. They kept us all on our toes. It was inevitable that we’d attract a gold digger at some point and with Robin being an agent it was no surprise it happened to Q. I mean you guys don’t seem like hicks, but you really are, you might have travelled the world and he has lived in Florida for a couple of years but you’ve not exactly been exposed to masses of people.” Malik says.

“Oh for sure. And we’re in such a gay bubble here. I love that we have the med school people joining us this year. I am so envious of Bastian and Cammie mixing with the arty types in Paris. Not that I don’t love all of you guys. I just wish I could have that semester abroad experience.” Ash says.

“Swimming takes a lot of sacrifices.” Anders says.

“But you are a fish and you do love it.” Malik says.

“I totally do and I totally am a fish.” Ash grins and makes a fish face.

9 thoughts on “Oh la LA – Chapter 29

  1. Sa you sneaky one…making me (us?) think there was no chapter coming today and then there it is, and as usual it’s great and you’ve been missed and this is the highlight of a horribly hot, evil day here in NYC.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lovely, just, and now we’re off to Paris, France, I think you said. A city I have loved ever since I was propositioned by a lady prostitute as a lanky but definitely prepubertal 12-year-old. It was in the shadow of the Madeleine. “How appropriate” my father commented.

    Liked by 3 people

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