Thank you

Thanks to all of you for the support during my break. I needed to step away for a bit.

Thanks to all who emailed and DM’d and messaged me. You were all super supportive when I explained why the site was down.

Sorry to those of you who created wordpress accounts to try and get in, I wasn’t trying to up their membership numbers or anything, it was the easiest way to shut things down without losing it all. I almost deleted the lot but decided that was too much of a head ache.

I am okay, was okay. It wasn’t the bad comments or negative stuff. I don’t want anyone to think they can’t criticise the story. Though if you do Mark, Ozzy Mark, Marcus and Jack might jump on you, they’re my new bodyguards.

It just had been overwhelming with all the comments and notifications and how big everything was getting too much. So I’m slowing down and getting things to a more manageable level. Don’t stop the comments, good or bad, they’re amazing and keep me going. Just don’t ask when anything will happen.

I’m putting 4 chapters up tonight. They can be read in any order. There is a little cross over here and there but not a lot. They all start and end at roughly the same time.

The summer chapters didn’t really go as I planned. No bunkhouse gang bangs with sex starved farm hands. No bondage in the woods or anything. It just didn’t happen that way. I feel like I closed off some loose ends and moved things forward ready for the house chapters.

I may well have got some things wrong, with Gervais and his mom. With when Blue and Gervais birthdays are. Please just accept it as i’m not fixing it. Sorry.


I’m in a happier place. I am not ready to start the next section yet so chat and analyse and enjoy.


24 thoughts on “Thank you

  1. We are all happy that you are happy. Thank you so much for the amazing work. You are AMAAAAAAAZIING


            1. I just posted Spence’s birthday on nifty and am getting complaints 😟it’s so long ago I’ve entirely forgotten my motivation for that orgy.


              1. do you want your gang to sort them out?

                Question what with that orgy do they hate?

                If they hate that part how will they react to whats coming you know the mentally abusive George πŸ˜‰


                1. Oh it came out of nowhere and they don’t like George starting to be a douche. Loads had an issue with George first time round. So I’ll just get through it again.


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