Oh la LA – Chapter 4 Ash

The previous Monday – LA – First day of preseason training for the swim team

Ash dives in to the water and swims a couple of laps to knock off the cobwebs. Ash has come down early to get a few minutes alone in the pool, he loves training in the outdoor pool and wants a few minutes to soak everything in before he has to deal with people.

“Looking good, now go in and get weighed and measured, hand in your medical form.” Coach says as Ash takes a breather.

“Yes coach.” Ash says and climbs out the pool.

Admin sorted out, Ash joins his team mates around the edge of the pool for the first team meeting of the season. Ash looks around and spies three Freshmen sat together looking nervous and one sat apart looking defiant, Ash smiles to himself and thinks he must have looked pretty similar a year ago, and vows to unite the group before the end of the week. No false rumors and bullying this year. Not on Ash’s watch.

“Welcome to our new team members and welcome back to everyone else.” Coach says.

As Ash anticipated they’re working on stamina, he’s been preparing for it, he’s enjoyed a lot of long ocean swims over the summer and so is finding the session exhilarating rather than difficult.

“Coach, shall I take the newbies for lunch?” Ash asks as he finishes up.

“AC is assigning each of them a mentor, and they’ll be lunching with their mentors all week. Go and check if he has you assigned to any of them. And good work this morning. You’re in great shape. See you in the gym this afternoon.” Coach says and Ash smiles and nods.

Ash is totally unsurprised to hear he’s not been assigned anyone and heads to lunch alone. Caleb, Ben and Simon all have freshmen to look after.

At the end of the long day of training Ash walks back to the dorm with Caleb, Ben and Simon, they are in the suite across the hall from Ash.

“Malik, you’re here already.” Ash says hugging his friend who is moving things in.

“Yeah, I love my mom, but a few days with the kids was more than enough for me. They have so much energy.” Malik grins.

“How come you’re in here?” Simon asks curious.

“Ash did a guilt trip on the administration.” Malik grins.

“What did you do?” Simon asks.

“I pointed out that there was no gay friendly floors in athlete housing and while I’d been fine in the freshman dorm last year, the options for me as a sophomore were a long way from the pool and gym. So they let me pick my roomies and have a gay safe suite.” Ash laughs.

“Who else is sharing with you?” Caleb asks.

“Anders, wouldn’t be our first choice but we couldn’t leave him on his own.” Malik says.

“And he’s not too bad to live with.” Ash says.

“As long as we avoid his mother.” Malik grins.

“She’s not so bad.” Caleb says, remembering the nice things she said about Anders.

“Oh speaking of mothers. Yours came to the beach house yesterday and interrogated Bastian about where you were.” Ash says.

“Seriously? Ugh.” Caleb says.

“Took her time.” Simon says.

“I think someone must have seen that Caleb was back in town and word got back to her.” Ash says.

“I think I’m glad she was too late.” Caleb says.

“She said she’d be here for meets.” Ash says.

“She needn’t bother, he won’t be starting.” Simon teases.

“I think it was you who needed oxygen during training.” Caleb counters.

“Ash had us all whipped. Again.” Ben sighs.

“And I will all season. See you guys tomorrow.” Bastian says laughing.


“How are you doing?” Ash asks as he helps Malik in with his bags.

“Could be better. I admit it was a really rough summer. I’m glad you’re back.” Malik says.

“And you’re happy to be in the dorms?” Ash asks.

“Oh for sure. I need the meal plan and the space to myself. And this suite, three singles and a shared bathroom, with cleaning service is amazing. I can’t believe you managed to get it all set up already. Didn’t you fly in yesterday and straight to training today?” Malik asks.

“I just moved me in yesterday, I don’t have a lot. Aaron organized the furniture, coffee machine and all that to be moved in for us today, so we can rearrange it all if you like.” Ash says looking around happy with what’s been done.

“It’s gorgeous as it is. With just three of us we have more than enough couch space.” Malik says.

“So West is going to be in the Stark dorms, I think he and you could be a nice match.” Ash says.

“Really? I’m not sure, I kind of want someone more down to earth, those boarding school kids scare me.” Malik says.

“He’s so down to earth. His parents were in the Navy, that is why he was at boarding school. He’s not like the others.” Ash says.

“But still a whole heap richer than me. I kind of want to date someone who sees Olive Garden as fancy and wouldn’t go to a Michelin starred place any more than they’d go to the moon.” Malik says.

“I love breadsticks. I mean I like Bastian’s better but if you need a partner for endless salad and breadsticks I am your man. I don’t think I’d get Preston to go there.” Ash says.

“You’re missing Bastian already. Mom thought you might be.” Malik says.

“And so she sent you back to take care of me?” Ask asks.

“Maybe. We’ve planned for her to come out in a few weeks, so we can have proper time together away from the kids, they are not so keen on sharing mom with me, however much they love having an older brother.” Malik says.

“Ahh so it was a rough visit. I’m sorry.” Ash says.

“It was fine, mom loves her job, the kids love her as much as she loves them. Parker is a dream to work for, he treats mom so well. It’s great to see her so happy. Next summer I’ll aim to go home like you did for the sports weeks and so we can rope others in to take the kids when we need some mom and son time.” Malik says.

“I’ll totally help out. How was working with Rory after the breakup?” Ash asks.

“Rough, we work well together but it was hard, we’d both take any disagreements personally. And we knew we were being irrational so Rory requested a project move. But we missed each other. We need some time and space and we’ll be best friends again. Maybe West would be a good distraction. Joshy said you’d seen Rocco and he was being a dick.” Malik says.

“Tracey tutored him for the summer, and then when Felix was in town he kept following him and trying to get him to talk. It was weird and totally inappropriate. But we all feel sorry for Rocco as well. He isn’t who we met a year ago, obviously that is his own fault, and his version of having a hard life wouldn’t exactly align with yours.” Ash says.

“No, I get that a good relationship with a parent makes up for a lot of things, but he never had to worry if there would be dinner, or heat or shoes that fit. And he chose his way of getting parental attention and his dad wasn’t entirely wrong to choose to ignore it.” Malik says.

“His dad isn’t all that bad. I mean he is a cunt to Rocco but like you said, there’s backstory to why it has come to that. Mr. X really responds to talent and effort. You could see it in how he treated Bastian and Cammie. And Nash and Tracey. And me to an extent. If Rocco had put his effort into being good at something other than partying, and then being sober, his dad would have responded. And sure it really, really sucks to have a dad with such a conditional love, but he’s not the only one.” Ash says.

“So true. Preston, Caleb, they both are going through it. They didn’t attempt to rape anyone.” Malik says.                                                   

Ash nods and bites his lip.

“Did I say the wrong thing?” Malik asks and Ash explains about Preston.

“He’s not that guy any more. Yes the thing with Jose and Croyde was a messy, mess. I honestly don’t think he was ever in to Jose, and he just didn’t know how to back out, especially after Allan got shafted. But he’s not that guy with you and he is certainly not a bully. He talked shit about Felix, but I get that, Felix is difficult and Preston hadn’t seen him for three years, they were all judging each other as who they were at 15 not 18. But to me, to Jake, to Croyde messy mess aside he didn’t treat any of us as lesser. And he would never, could never manhandle anyone. I’m sure that stuff was seen as normal horseplay within his family and to an extent at that school.” Malik says.

“I don’t expect anyone to be perfect. But sometime I feel like I’m 19 and maybe I’d like less baggage.” Ash says.

“You had a year of having whoever you wanted, whenever you wanted. And Preston is the only one you ever wanted to make into more. Unless this whole thing is an excuse, you know you liked the chase and are disappointed it’s over.” Malik says.

“It’s not that. I really, really want to be with him and take things further. But I don’t think he’s my forever guy, in that he doesn’t measure up to Cammie or Tracey.” Ash says.

“Well they are not perfect. And we have these relationships and we learn from them, about who we like, but also how to be in a relationship, what we need to work on so we’re ready when we do find Mr. Forever. And who knows, maybe you and Preston will become each other’s Mr. Forever in time.” Malik says.

“You talk so much sense. How did you end up splitting with Rory?” Ash asks.

“You know your dad and Blue were destined to be each other’s best friend, and being together brought out the worst in them? It is totally that. Spring Break broke us and we were toxic for a while. We will be okay. I am certain he’s my platonic soul mate. I just hope he agrees once we’ve had this space.” Malik says.

“Okay but Sunday is group dinner and you both have to be there.” Ash says.

“Oh for sure. Wouldn’t miss it. But uh, what’s the food situation without Bastian?” Malik asks.

“It’s a potluck. Bring a dish or pizza toppings, we’ll have dough, sauce and cheese. Or bring something to grill. We could end up with chips and plain pizza but we don’t want to be all you bring this, you bring that, not when people are flying in the day before.” Ash says.

“You bringing the swimmers?” Malik asks.

“The three across the hall are invited for sure and I want to invite the newbies but so far I’ve not been able to speak to them.” Ash says.

“Why not?” Malik asks.

“Well during training wasn’t the time and they’ll be having lunch with their mentors and of course I am not a mentor.” Ash says.

“So go see them for breakfast. Insert yourself. You would have appreciated someone else to talk to last year.” Malik says.

“For sure. I am starving. Shall we order something? Did you discover any cool places this summer?” Ash asks.

“We found the perfect Thai place, you will love it. Let’s go there if you’re not too tired, I have to get the car back anyway.” Malik says.

“That sounds perfect. I’m so glad you’re here and I’m not alone all week. Do you have plans tomorrow?” Ash asks.

“I’m going to go in to work and sort a few things out. And Blue gifted me some spa vouchers which I plan to use later in the week.” Malik says.

“Did he send you back with any food?” Ash asks.

“Maybe.” Malik teases.

5 thoughts on “Oh la LA – Chapter 4 Ash

  1. hehehe Ash craving Bestest blue’s food 🍱 so cute!! Cant wait to read about Bastie’s french culinary spicy spicy adventures

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That was a very entertaining, and very info packed chapter, I love the way you’re setting it up with this time line you’re working. Don’t know how you keep it all straight, but glad you do!! And Sam…risotto at a pot luck? You sir are a fancy one to be sure!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can make very few dishes. Risotto is one, I think it always fails on tv because of the time they have.
      I’m getting better at making notes on people to remember their backstories. I did have to do a search today to make sure it was West and not Smith who had military parents.

      Liked by 2 people

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